
11 August 2013


Last night was my first Rotary meeting here in Moruya, where I met some more very fine people and gave a short intro of myself to hold some curiosity until my presentation to the club at the end of the month. Among the new faces, I also realized that my counselor, Carol, deserved a much better description than I gave her last time. She's a very kind lady who is also a great deal of fun to be around. (You're welcome Carol.) Moving on, at the meeting I thought it was very interesting the way that the club fines it's members for the things that should've done differently, some silly, some not. I feel that's a much more fun way of doing things rather than just giving it up to the club. It was a nice night and I look forward to the next meeting.

This morning I started school at Moruya High School and found mostly everyone the most welcoming. The school is a little different than my school back home in the atmosphere. Most of my class is away on a snow trip at the moment so I can't say really how it is, but I imagine that it won't be that much different in between classes, just the classes themselves will have more than 5 people in them. Even with full attendance, the school only houses 700 students in years 7-12 with mine back home having 1300, years 9-12, so a bit smaller and I think I might like it. I'm not quite sure yet how to feel about the campus. It's different being outside and 4 seperate buildings but still a smaller campus, of course, than mine back home.

It feels a bit odd getting out of school at 1515 instead of 1400 but I won't argue with school not starting until 0830. After getting back home, I relaxed until dinner where I got to eat Australia's symbol. Kangaroo! It's tastes a bit like beef but it's a little tougher and leaner. It tasted well and was enjoyable. Come to think of it, I don't think I've encountered an Aussie dish that I haven't liked. The Vegemite is a bit salty but still good as well as everything else I've gotten to try.

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